Meet Protium
Who is Protium?
Large-scale CO2 emissions and deforestation are warming the earth rapidly, even faster than was thought. Protium uses clean energy sources to make energy supply fairer. They believe in an approach where everyone can contribute.
"We look ahead together with you."
Protium believes in the concept 'together we are stronger than alone'. They work together with parties that, like Protium, want to pursue the sustainable interest. Together with roof owners, installers, suppliers, investors and network companies, they form a foundation.
Warranty and Protium
Since April 2021, Protium has been renting an office building in the Quintushuis on Schweitzerlaan. The Quintushuis is really an office building that suits the company; modern and equipped with many sustainable elements. Protium is not only a tenant of ours, but we have also entered into a partnership with them, and we are proud of that!
Together with Protium, we started a project in 2021 to place solar panels on the building on Eifelstraat in Zwolle. No fewer than 602 solar panels are shining on the building. By renting the roof to Protium, more than 90 households can enjoy sustainable energy.
Can you only buy solar panels?
There are more options than just purchasing a solar panel system.
Protium also offers you the option of leasing solar panels or renting out your roof.
Leasing solar panels has several advantages; you do not have to make a large investment in advance, but you do benefit immediately from savings on your energy costs and the available subsidies.
''Making an impact without investing''
Do you have a large roof surface? Then you can also rent out your roof. Protium is happy to enter into a partnership to realize a new sustainable energy source.
This way you make an impact without investing time or money and you benefit from an attractive compensation.
And what about the numbers?
In 2021, Protium installed no fewer than 39,400 solar panels. This means that 4,127 households were supplied with green energy and 6,702 tons of CO2 saved compared to gray power. And to make this all clear once again, this saving is as much as 1,000 laps around the world with a diesel car! In the meantime, Protium has almost 200 MW of projecten in development, with which much more impact will be made in the coming years.